17 February 2011

AutoCAD 3D Commands

Auto CAD 3D
1.                   Rectangle Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Rec Enter
Draw Menu
a.               Meanings
This command is used to draw a rectangle. Its short cut is “Rec” and it is draw menu command.

b.              Syntax
Type “Rec” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Drag the pointer on screen to draw a rectangle or
Enter the measurements as first x/x horizontally and than y/x vertically etc
20’, 20’ and press enter

2.                   Boundary

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Bo Enter
Draw Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to give the boundary of an object to extrude. It must be kept in mind unless and until an object has no boundary it can be extruded. Its short cut is “BO” and its draw menu command.

b.              Syntax
Type “Bo” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Click on the object you want to make the boundary of and press enter

3.                   Extrude Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Ext Enter
Draw Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to for 3D effect. Means with the help of this command we can extend a command to wards z/x with 3D effect. Its short cut is “Ext” and it is draw menu command.

b.              Syntax
Type “Ext” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Select the block you want to extrude and press enter
Type the distance required and presses enter

4.                   Subtract Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Su Enter
Modify Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to subtract a small object from a large object. Its short cut is “Su” and it is modify menu command.

b.              Syntax
Type “Su” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Select the small object you want to subtract from a large object and press enter
Now select the large object and press enter

5.                   Move Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
M Enter
Modify Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to move an object to xx, yx and zx. Here shall we learn how to move 3D object on zx. Its short cut is “M” and it is modify menu command

b.              Syntax
Type “M” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Give the measurement as x, y and z alignment etc
0, 0, 6’ and press enter

6.                   Box Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Box Enter
Draw Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to draw a box in 3D environment and its short cut is “Box” and its draw menu command

b.              Syntax
Type “Box” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Drag the pointer on screen or type the measurements
Type the height of a box and press enter

7.                   3D Rotate  Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
3D Rotate
Rotate3d Enter
Modify Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to rotate 3D object on xx yx or zx. Its short cut is rotate3d and it is modify menu command

b.              Syntax
Type “Rotate3d” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Select the an object and press enter
Message: “[Object/Last/View/Xaxis/Yaxis/Zaxis/2points]:”
Type Object and press enter
Give required angle etc 90 and press enter

1.                   Dimension Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
D Enter
Dimension Menu

a.             Meanings
This command is used to indicate the measurements of the object in the drawing. It is Dimension menu command and “D” is its short cut.

b.             Syntax
Type “D” short cut in the command bar and press enter
This will open a Dimension Style Manager window
Click on NEW
This will open another window named “Create New Dimension Style”
Fill in the window / form with new name (as Dim etc) and press continue button, leaving rest of options as same as they are by default
This will open another window named “New Dimension Style: Dim (The name you entered)
This window / form has tags named, Line, Symbols and Arrows, Text, Fit, Primary Unit, Alternate Unit and Tolerance
Her click on Primly Unit tag and fill the boxes as required after filling Primly Unit tag one by one

2.                   Area Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
AA Enter
Tool - Inquire Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to check the covered area in the drawing. It is Tool Menu command and “AA” is short cut.

b.              Syntax
Type “AA” short cut in the command and press enter
Message: “Specify first corner point or [Object/Add/Subtract]:
Message: “Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total:
If you have another covered area in the drawing you want to calculate combine than specify that or press enter to end up
Message: “Area = 0.00 square in. (0.0000 square ft.), Perimeter = 89'-9 7/16"

3.                   List Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
List Enter
Tool - Inquire Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to check the area in detail with all dimensions. Its Tool Menu command and “List” is it short cut. Before you use this command you are required to make a block of the covered area you want to check the area of.

b.              Syntax
Type “List” short cut in the command and press enter
Message: “Select the object”
After selecting object as you press enter it provides you with following information:-

Command: list

Select objects: 1 found

Select objects:
                  LWPOLYLINE Layer: "0"
                            Space: Model space
                   Handle = 2906
    Constant width     0'-0"
              area 129438.00 square in. (898.8750 square ft.)
         perimeter   123'-6"

          at point  X=147'-8 13/16"  Y=405'-8 9/16"  Z=    0'-0"
          at point  X=185'-11 13/16"  Y=405'-8 9/16"  Z=    0'-0"
          at point  X=185'-11 13/16"  Y=382'-2 9/16"  Z=    0'-0"
          at point  X=147'-8 13/16"  Y=382'-2 9/16"  Z=    0'-0"

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