17 February 2011

What is Elevation DPC and Construction Line

What is Elevation DPC and Construction Line

1.                   Front Elevation

Elevation means height, altitude, distance from the ground, rise etc. In drafting it is considered the front side / face / appearance of a house that is seen by standing just before the house but inside to the boundary wall.  In this drawing we draw all the objects such as door, windows, ventilators, and walls etc, which are seen while standing in front of the house in side the front boundary wall. It includes area only above the ground level and the area that is under the ground is shown in another drawing.

2.                   DPC

This is a common word used in construction field. It stands for Damp Proof Course / Ceiling. It is mostly a concrete made block / slab, which is placed after completion of foundation at the top of the foundation. Its main purpose is to save walls above the foundation from water.

3.                   Construction Line

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Construction Line
XL & Enter
Draw Menu

a.                Meanings
This command is mostly used for drawing projections. This is a kind of line has not end point and after drawing it is appear on all the screen horizontally or vertically. It is Draw Menu command and its short cut is “XL”.

b.               Syntax
Type short cut “XL” in command bar and press enter
Select the point for line
Drag vertically / horizontally to draw a line

4.                   Divide Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
DIV & Enter
Draw Menu

a.                Meanings
This command is used to divide a line / object in to desired parts. It is Draw Manu command and “DIV” is its short cut.

b.               Syntax
Type “Div” short cut in command bar and press enter
Select the object and press enter
Message “Enter the number of segments or [Block]:”
Give the number of required parts and press enter

Note: - If you may enter the number of segments 5 in case of straight line, command will divide the line into 4 parts by leaving equal distance on both sides of the line. Where as in case of circle it will be divided into 5 equal parts. Therefore, if you have to divide a line into 5 parts you must enter the number of segments 5 OK.


After division of line, unseen dotes are placed on the line by default, which are probably unclear to see. In this case so, you must first On Osnap command by pressing F3, but division may even unclear to you for this you must change the Point Style from the Format Menu or follow the following command:-

5.                   Point Style Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Point Style
Format Menu

a.               Meanings
This command is used to open the point style window. It is Format Menu command and DDPTYPE is its short cut.

b.              Syntax
Type “DDPTYPE” Short cut in the command bar and press enter
Point Style Window will open with different point styles
Select the desired point style and press OK

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