17 February 2011

What is Line Distance and Angle Commands in AutoCAD

What is Line Distance and Angle Commands in AutoCAD

1.                   Line @ Distance Angle

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
L & Enter
Draw Menu

a.                    Meanings
This is another use of line command. In this way one can draw a line with a specific distance and on desired angle rather than using any other command as chamfer etc. “L” is its short cut and it is draw menu command

b.                   Syntax
Type “L” in command bar and press enter
Press shift + 2 and give distance 1’, 2’, 5’ etc (Don’t press enter)
Press shift + < and give angle 30, 45, 135 and press enter

1.                   Stretch Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
S Enter
Modify Menu

a.                    Meanings
This command is used to extend of shrink a line / lines. “S” is its short cut. It is modify menu command.

b.                   Syntax
Type “S” in command bar and press enter
Select a line / lines from a point to be extend / shrink and press enter
Move the pointer by mouse towards a side to extend or shrink
Type the length to extend or shrink and press enter

2.                   Mirror Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Mi Enter
Modify Menu

a.                    Meanings
This command is used to draw complete image of an object on a specific target. “Mi” is its short cut and it is modify menu command.

b.                   Syntax
Type “M” in command bar and press enter
Select an object / objects you wanna move and press enter
Select an object’s point where you wanna move from
Press click on a point where the object is to be placed

1.                   Array Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Ar Enter
Modify Menu

a.                    Meanings
This command is used to place lines vertically and horizontally in a specific order. We can say this command use to draw rows and columns. In CAD it is mostly used to draw stairs. “Ar” is its short cut and it is modify menu command.

b.                   Syntax
Type “Ar” in command bar and press enter
Array window will open fill it and press ok

2.                   Chamfer Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Chamfer Command
Cha Enter
Modify Menu

a.                    Meanings
This command is some what is like fillet command but the difference is this that in fillet command when two lines are joined the form curve or circle at the end but by this command when two command are joined they are joined by making a specific angle at the end. “Cha” is short cut and it is modify menu command.

b.                   Syntax
Type “Cha” in command bar and press enter
Type ‘D’ for distance and press enter
Give a specific distance for both of lines you want to make angle of
Select twp opposite lines

1.                   Text

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Text Style
Format Menu
Single Line Text
Draw Menu
Multi Line Text
Draw Menu
Edit Text

Before working with text command it is to notice that before we start typing any sort of text in CAD, first we are required to set the text style so that it should be easily adjusted in the drawing. Text Style is a command used for this purpose.

a.         Text Style

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Text Style
Format Menu

(1)     General. This command is used to specify style of the text. We adjust the font and size of the text from here and give it a specific name for identification. Font and size of the text mostly different in different scales. Some slandered measures of Text font and size are given as under according to the scales.

(a)              1/8 = 1 Scale - Room Name – Text. For Writing of Room Names we used “Arial” font and 8 to 9 inches of text size
(b)             1/8 = 1 Scale - Room Size – Text. For Writing of Room Size we used “Arial” font and 6 to 7 inches of text size
(c)              1/8 = 1 Scale – Main Text – Text. For Writing of Main or General Text in this scale we used “Arial” font and 13 to 15 inches of text size

2.                               Text Sub Commands. After complete setting of text style its time to write it accordingly. For this purpose there are three sub commands used:-

a.                    Single Line Text
b.                   Multi Line Text
c.                    Edit Text

Single Line Text

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Single Line Text
Draw menu

a.                 Meanings
This command is used to write single line text. It is draw menu command and “DT” is its short cut

b.                Syntax
Select the text style from the text styles tool bar, you have already created
Type “DT” short cut and press enter
Drag the pointer on area where you want to write text

Multi Line Text

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Multi Line Text
Draw menu

a.                 Meanings
This command is used to write multi line text. It is draw menu command and “MT” is its short cut

b.                Syntax
Select the text style from the text style tool bar, you have already created
Type “MT” short cut and press enter
Drag the pointer on the area where you want to write text

Edit Text

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Edit Text

a.                 Meanings
This command is used to edit single line text or multi line text. “ET” is its short cut

b.                Syntax
Type “ET” short cut and press enter
Click on the desired text
It will allow you the edit specific text

3.                   Poly Line

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
PL Enter
Draw Menu

a.                    Meanings
This command is used to draw a continue line mostly used for 3D works and also for making arrow etc. It is Draw Menu command and “PL” is its short cut.

b.                   Syntax For Making an Arrow
Type “PL” short cut in command bar and press enter
Message 1 “Specify start point:”
Click on the screen for first point and drag the mouse for a small line
Message 2 “Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]:”
Type “W” and press enter
Message 3 “Specify starting width <0'-0">:”
Give the starting width of the arrow, like 5”, 10 or 1’ and press enter

Message 4 “Specify ending width <0'-5">:”
Give the ending width of the arrow, which is mostly 0 and press enter
Message 5 “Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]:”
Type “L” and press enter for the length of the arrow like 10”, 20” or 2’ and press enter
It will make an arrow one the screen

4.                   Explode Command

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
X Enter
Modify Menu

a.                    Meanings
This command is used to convert the polyline / blocked object into single line / lines. It is Modify Menu command and “X” is its short cut.

b.                   Syntax
Type “X” short cut in the command bar and press enter
Select the polyline / blocked object
Press enter and it will convert the select polyline object / blocked object into line / lines

5.                   Block

Command Name
Short Cut
Location of the Command
Block Definition
B Enter
Draw Menu
Block Insert
I &Enter
Insert Menu

a.                 Meanings
This command is used to make an object from the many individual lines creating an object. It is Draw Mane command and “B” is its short cut.

b.                Syntax For Making a Block
Type “B” short cut in the command bar and press enter
It will give you a Block Definition Window
Type the object name and press the “select object button”
Select the object and press enter
It will appear Block Definition Window again press OK Button

c.                 Syntax For Inserting the Block
Type “I” short cut in the command bar and press enter
It will appear Insert Window one the screen
Select the required Block / Object by clicking on Name Command or press brows button for more objects to see
After selecting a specific Block / Object press OK button
It will appear Massage “Specify insertion point or [Basepoint / Scale / X / Y / Z / Rotate / PScale / PX / PY / PZ / PRotate]:”
Select the point where the Block / Object is to be placed

d.                Information provide by a class fellow Name Shamas

He told me about online teaching of Auto CAD and also told me the Web Site which provides services online that is www.autocadtutor.com.

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