The Holy Month Ramadan Kareem is started from today. The first Roza is starting from Tomorrow 21/07/2012, Saturday. The Ramadan Kareem is also called The Month of Mercy and The Month of ALLAH. We the Muslims welcome the Ramadan Kareem and pray for all the Muslims.
Ramadan Kareem started when the Moon of Shawwal goes and the new moon appears at the heaven. The purpose of fasting is to teach self-discipline and is needed to prepare for the suffering that Muslims may have to face in the course of obeying their ALLAH very well.
Fasting during Ramadan is said to be 30 times more powerful than fasting any other time of the whole year. Fasting force us to get Mercy from ALLAH for there Sins for the whole year.
We must pray NAMAZ 5-times and day, Recite Holy QURAN everyday, Pray NAMAZ-e-TARAWEEH regular and get mercy from ALLAH to forgive our past SINS and make our future more bright according to Islam.
Fasting Pray(Dua) for Sehri:
Fasting Pray(Dua) for Aftari:
May ALLAH Forgive us and remove all our past sins in this month of Mercy with the Reference of our Holy Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON HIM. AMEEN
Remember me in your prayers. Thanks

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